Looking Up

25 08 2009


There’s nothing more calming than laying down on the grass and looking up at the sky. Its liberating yet uncomplicated. You just stop and stare. Thats it. No assembly required or confusing instructions to describe how to do it. No money required, no catch, just  enjoyment. Life has changed alot, and the things that use to be part of day to day life are not part of it any longer. Most of the time we are so busy that we don’t take the time to stop and think, and just enjoy the simple things in life. I remember when I was in high-school, my friends and I would stare and imagine about a million things. The clouds would take life and shapes and become a story.  We weren’t using texting or ipods, we were just kids, enjoying the day , with nothing but the sun and the sky over us. The older  I get, the more I realize that we  just get caught up in meaningless crap, and we forget about the little things.  There are so many wonderful things out there for us to enjoy, a simple sunset,  looking out to the sky, a gentle breeze.

One of the reasons why I enjoy my desk so much is because I have a clear view of the outside. I have these huge  glass windows that span the entire wall and I can simply look out when I want to. Sometimes its cloudy, sometimes its rainy , sunny or  snowy, but I can always look out. I can always be connected in some way to the other things in life. I’ve learned alot from looking out my window, from taking pictures, from sharing with others, from  the sky…

“I can always see that there are things better and bigger than me out there. made by a loving hand, as a gift to us and for us. It is in these moments that I realize how truly petty and selfish we can be. Why do we need so much when we have such great things? Why complain, when we should be grateful”.

Today the sky is blue and the weather is beautiful. I’m thankful for that.  I want to appreciate the little things, because it’s all we’ve got in the long run.

Anne Frank once said: “The best remedy for those who are afraid, lonely or unhappy is to go outside, somewhere where they can be quiet, alone with the heavens, nature and God. Because only then does one feel that all is as it should be and that God wishes to see people happy, amidst the simple beauty of nature”.

Picture: Toronto, Canada, Summer 2007 -one of the very best summers Ive ever had, maybe it’s because I looked up…



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